Lesson 1
Romans 1-16
The Overview
Lesson 2
Romans 1:1-17
Gospel Introduced
Romans 1:18-32
Gentile’s Need for the Gospel
Lesson 3
Romans 2:1-16
Jew’s Need for the Gospel
Romans 2:17-29
Jewish Inconsistency
Lesson 4
Romans 3:1-18
Universality of Sin
Romans 3:19-31
Justification by Faith
Lesson 5
Romans 4:1-25
The Faith of Abraham
Romans 5:1-21
Adam’s Sin/Christ’s Atonement
Lesson 6
Romans 6:1-23
Freedom from Sin
Romans 7:1-25
Struggling with Sin
Lesson 7
Romans 8:1-18
Life in the Spirit
Romans 8:19-29
More Than Conquerors
Lesson 8
Romans 9:1-18
God’s Sovereign Choice
Romans 9:19-33
God’s New People
Lesson 9
Romans 10:1-21
Christ and the End of the Law
Romans 11:1-36
The Hope of Israel
Lesson 10
Romans 12:1-21
Transformed Sacrifices
Romans 13:1-14
Citizenship for Pilgrims
Lesson 11
Romans 14:1-23
Liberating Love
Romans 15:1-33
One Heart and One Voice
Lesson 12
Romans 16:1-27
Life Together in Christ